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Over 195 Million Tablets Sold Worldwide, Android Surpassed Apple

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According to the latest report from Gartner, there were 195,400,000 tablet computers sold in 2013 around the world, which is 68% increased compared with last year. What's more, Android firstly surpassed Apple and became the leading operating system for tablet devices. Android shared 62% percent for the sales, which is about 120,900,000 pieces, while IOS droped to 36%, which is about 70,400,000 pieces. Gartner said that it was maily the low-end and small size tablets boosting the big inc……
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Copilot Live GPS navigation app cracked

CoPilot Live on board GPS navigation App for Android tablets and smartphone

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So you've got an Android smartphone or tablet? Now turn it into a full-featured sat nav system with CoPilot Live Premium. Whether you have an Android smartphone or tablet, CoPilot Live is designed to supercharge it, providing you with an array of smart new guidance features, enhanced connected services and a sleek dashboard-style user interface. Detailed street maps are stored on-board your device, so there's no need to worry about being left stranded without navigation in remote loc……
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