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Over 195 Million Tablets Sold Worldwide, Android Surpassed Apple

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According to the latest report from Gartner, there were 195,400,000 tablet computers sold in 2013 around the world, which is 68% increased compared with last year. What's more, Android firstly surpassed Apple and became the leading operating system for tablet devices. Android shared 62% percent for the sales, which is about 120,900,000 pieces, while IOS droped to 36%, which is about 70,400,000 pieces. Gartner said that it was maily the low-end and small size tablets boosting the big inc……
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Onda V972 Quad Core Tablet

Android 4.4 KitKat Beta for Onda V972 Quad-Core Tablet PC

[ Firmware ]    Comments : 0    Hot Index : 22,822 °C
Onda V972 is a Quad-Core CPU 2GB RAM 16GB/32GB 9.7 inch Retina Display Google Android Tablet computer.. This firmware is based on official Android 4.4-beta version. Pictures are for reference only. We do not recommend you to upgrade your device if there is nothing wrong with it. And all risks at your own. We do not reponsible for any damges might happen to your tablet! Note: 1).To download the files from vmall website, please click the first blue button; How to upgrade: 1).……
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teclast A11 Quad Core tablet

Burn Firmware for Teclast A11 Quad-Core Android Tablet by Phoenix Suit

[ Firmware ]    Comments : 2    Hot Index : 21,755 °C
Teclast A11 Quad-Core edition is a 10.1 inch big size IPS display Google Android 4.2 tablet computer with 2gb big RAM. It is a well designed metallic cover ultra-thin tablet pc. This firmware is based on official Android 4.2.2-v2.05 version. Pictures are for reference only Note: 1).To download the files from vmall website, please click the first blue button; How to upgrade: 1).Download the upgrade tool - Phoenix Suit v1.0.6,and install in your windows computer, then open.……
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EUR 339.99+ Price: Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 started selling in Europe

[ News ]    Comments : 0    Hot Index : 3,676 °C
After the release of Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 Android tablet, it was already treated as one of the strongest competitor of Apple iPad mini. But it's already about one month now from the day Samsung said release of the Galaxy Note 8.0. Recently got the information that it now officially started to sell in United Kingdom. This time only WiFi edition, and the price would start at Euro 339.99. This price is actually a little bit too expensive compared with many other Android tablets in Tablets W……
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HTC would release Windows 8 Tablet Computer?

[ News ]    Comments : 0    Hot Index : 3,809 °C
With the presure from Sasung, Google, Apple etc manufacturers, this year for HTC is very hard. In the last quater, HTC only released one mobile phone. Acoording to the research from NPD DisplaySearch, HTC is currently developing a 10.1 inch tablet computer and wants to publish in the 2nd quater this year. NPD also explained that this tablet pc would run Windows 8 operating system with 1920*1080 pixel 1080P FULL HD display, which would be provided by LG. The HTC or Microsoft has not given an……
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Samsung will release 10” FULL HD Amoled Tablet to Compete with iPad

[ News ]    Comments : 0    Hot Index : 7,863 °C
Just couple of days ago, SamMobile said that Samsung would release a 8.0'' Full HD Android tablet to compete with the iPad mini 2. While, now it said it would release another 10'' Full HD tablet computer as well and this tablet would use the AMOLED display from Samsung. This is a kind of tablet to compete with iPad and Sony Xperia Z those big display tablet computers. From the information, the 10'' Android tablet going to release would not only use Amoled display, but also may use the Exyno……
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